About Us

Center United Presbyterian Church was organized on May 2nd, 1859 when the village name was Egypt. The first meetings were held in a log barn on the John C. Campbell farm. The congregation met in private homes and in schoolhouses in the vicinity until the 3rd Sunday of February 1860, when a new church was occupied for the first time
The church thrived through the Missionary Era of the early 1900's, World War I, Prohibition, The Great Depression, and World War II. In the fall of 1962, a Long Range Planning Committee was formed. It was the recommendation of this committee that the church should seriously consider the construction of a new building since it was evident that the current structure was in very poor condition. The congregation voted late in 1963 to build a new church.
On Palm Sunday, April 3 1966, ground breaking services were held. The first service was the Christmas Eve Candlelight service in 1966. The mortgage burning ceremony was
held on Sunday April 23, 1978.
Immediately following the mortgage burning, ground was broken for the new Christian Education Wing. The congregation was asked to "dig deep" again and pledged their time, talents, and energies to construct a nine classroom addition to the church.
Our members continue to give of themselves and their resources in the ministry of Christ to our community and the world. We recently celebrated our 150th anniversary, and our vision has been renewed and strengthened. The mission of Christ and the work of the church goes on, and we invite you to be a part of it.