
Each year, Center chooses three local mission causes to support through various types of giving. Some organizations we have a history of supporting are:
Washington City Mission - A Christ-centered homeless rehabilitation shelter that exists to share Christ, to shelter, to heal and to restore people to independent living without discrimination - one life at a time (including meal programs, a medical clinic and counseling and case management).
Helping Hands - In cooperation with the Fort Cherry School District, we augment their discounted lunch program for students to have take-home food for the weekends, other home staples for the family, and Angel Tree gifts each Christmas. There's a specific kind of item each month, as well as other opportunities, that our congregation takes advantage of in order to extend Christ's love to children and families.
Resurrection Power - Located in Washington PA, Resurrection Power is a ministry that utilizes the 12 Step Program Framework, speaking into our culture a biblical and effective map for the journey of restoration and recovery from self-destructive behaviors. They provide a safe, structured and spiritually focused environment that serves as a place of refuge for healing, growth, and training.
McDonald Food Bank - Located in McDonald PA, the food bank serves as a central assistance agency to the surrounding area and continues to fulfill God's call to feed the hungry.
Meals on Wheels - we support the local organization in McDonald, which makes and delivers meals to shut-ins and others who request this compassionate food service.
Pine Springs Camp - Located in Jennerstown PA. For over 50 years, Pine Springs Camp has provided campers with a vital encounter with Jesus Christ that leads to growth in Christian faith and discipleship. Situated on 230 acres in the Laurel Highlands, Pine Springs is a vibrant, growing camp.
Each year, Center chooses three local mission causes to support through various types of giving. Some organizations we have a history of supporting are:
Washington City Mission - A Christ-centered homeless rehabilitation shelter that exists to share Christ, to shelter, to heal and to restore people to independent living without discrimination - one life at a time (including meal programs, a medical clinic and counseling and case management).
Helping Hands - In cooperation with the Fort Cherry School District, we augment their discounted lunch program for students to have take-home food for the weekends, other home staples for the family, and Angel Tree gifts each Christmas. There's a specific kind of item each month, as well as other opportunities, that our congregation takes advantage of in order to extend Christ's love to children and families.
Resurrection Power - Located in Washington PA, Resurrection Power is a ministry that utilizes the 12 Step Program Framework, speaking into our culture a biblical and effective map for the journey of restoration and recovery from self-destructive behaviors. They provide a safe, structured and spiritually focused environment that serves as a place of refuge for healing, growth, and training.
McDonald Food Bank - Located in McDonald PA, the food bank serves as a central assistance agency to the surrounding area and continues to fulfill God's call to feed the hungry.
Meals on Wheels - we support the local organization in McDonald, which makes and delivers meals to shut-ins and others who request this compassionate food service.
Pine Springs Camp - Located in Jennerstown PA. For over 50 years, Pine Springs Camp has provided campers with a vital encounter with Jesus Christ that leads to growth in Christian faith and discipleship. Situated on 230 acres in the Laurel Highlands, Pine Springs is a vibrant, growing camp.

_Family Promise -The purpose of this Network is to offer an ongoing ministry to temporarily homeless families in our community – providing families who are enrolled in the local Chapter of the Family Promise/Interfaith Hospitality Network with housing and other necessities approximately 5 non-consecutive weeks out of the year, Sunday to Sunday. Fundamental to the vision is offering a welcoming living space where parents can stay with their children, instead of being separated by gender as is the case in traditional shelters.
Another way, we minister to the needs of the local community is through the profits of our Gift Card program. Each month, members purchase gift cards through the Great Lakes Scrip Program, and because retailers sell them at a discount, the church retains a percentage (on average about 5%), and uses all those proceeds for a specific local cause (determined quarterly - youth group, VBS, etc.). This is a great program, because those who purchase the gift cards – and they can be anyone, not just members – they receive gift cards for exactly the amount they pay for – and at the same time create funds for needy people and charities in the area. For more information or a retailer list (hundreds of popular stores, restaurants, etc. participate), call us.
We strive to feel the Holy Spirit’s leading in responding to the many cries of need throughout our area. Whether it be by supplying clothing through special Salvation Army drives at our church, organizing community service projects for our youth during a 30-hour famine, or providing educational child-care one night a week through our upcoming “Mom’s Night Out” ministry, we pray for the Lord’s help in our work to serve, connect, develop and provide.
We strive to feel the Holy Spirit’s leading in responding to the many cries of need throughout our area. Whether it be by supplying clothing through special Salvation Army drives at our church, organizing community service projects for our youth during a 30-hour famine, or providing educational child-care one night a week through our upcoming “Mom’s Night Out” ministry, we pray for the Lord’s help in our work to serve, connect, develop and provide.

Center U.P. has been active in world mission for many years.
Center U.P. has been active in world mission for many years.
- We have a long partnership with Gazieka Bethel Church in Ethiopia
- We have been a child sponsor (Haiti) for over a decade.
- Presently, we have sought to be active in relief to the people of Haiti, including: multiple collections that were sent through The Brother’s Brother Foundation, the making and sending of hygiene kits, and donations to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
- We continue to look for ways to engage in global mission – from special offerings to organizations like the Presbyterian Hunger Program and Heifer International to future planning of short-term missions, whether in the U.S. or abroad.