Center has a variety of groups where we grow spiritually in knowledge, faith, and love:
· Sunday School – classes for everyone from the age of 4. We meet at 9:45 AM on Sunday mornings from September through May. It’s great to start Sunday mornings praising God through song and learning about His love, the outpourings of His generous blessings and what He has in store for us. We have two Adult Classes (one more traditional, one more contemporary), and we have some lively discussions during our Bible study. Please join us – all are welcome

· The Choir – We seek to provide a witness to the beauty and majesty of God through song and praise. With our choir director - Margie Boggs - we gather together on Thursday evenings at from 7:30 - 8:30 pm (choir room in the sanctuary) to not only practice but devote our hearts to better worshiping God and inspiring others to the same. Join us.
- Dartball - We have a dartball team - part of the Panhandle League - which we lovingly - though unofficially - call the Midway Muskrats. We play on Tuesday evenings from mid-September to early March (various locations in the area), and we're always ready to welcome new players on the team. Call Pastor Brian for more information - 724-678-6976.
· Fellowship of the Skein – A group of people who love yarn craft (knitting, crocheting, etc.) who meet the 2nd Saturday of the month from 8:30 am to 10:30 (ish) in the downstairs Fellowship Hall. We have a LOT of fun. All skill levels welcome!
· The Mariners– Originally designed to be a couples group, the Mariners are now a fellowship group for any adults who are looking for a small community to socialize with, grow with, and brainstorm ideas of how to reach out to the needs of the local community. The Mariners normally meet the 2nd Saturday of each month (6:00 pm) for dinner, entertainment, and fellowship.
· C.U.P Youth Group - We are the CUPYs. We meet on Sunday evenings (September-May) from 6:00 pm to 7:45 pm. It's open to all students 12 yrs.+ During our groups, we have games, food, and other activities. We seek to offer a place where our community's youth can have a lot of fun, and also where spirituality and faith can grow in a casual, down-to-earth setting - addressing issues they're dealing with themselves. In the last few years, we've had students from Fort Cherry, Burgettstown, Chartiers-Houston, and West Allegheny school districts; everyone belongs! We're looking for more members so that we can do even bigger and better things. So join us. For more information, call 724-796-1797.
* Thursday Prayer Group – Remember, there is a group of people who meet weekly for prayer – most Thursday mornings at 7 am at the Midway Community Center (first classroom on the big parking lot side) – and we would love to see our group grow – as the need to pray for our community, government, and churches is always great (Mark 1:35). There are often representatives from 4 different churches, so it’s a great opportunity for inter-church fellowship and unity. We meet upstairs in the first classroom (on the right) on the large parking lot side. We hope to see you there. For more information, call Pastor Brian.